There was a great buzz in the room; VPs and EVPs really met their objective of identifying key value opportunities through the benchmarking and market intelligence; I only heard positive comments from colleagues afterwards.
So, I can’t thank Fulcrium enough for the ongoing commitment and hard work put in to the benchmarking you supply to us globally. It really wouldn’t be the same without you – great energy, amazing dedication and making a real difference to our bottom line. You should be very proud!Executive Vice President, Supermajor
If the answer is YES, then contact Fulcrium for further information.
Fulcrium specialises in benchmarking intelligence and high-value opportunity identification advice for boards, directors, business heads and functional heads in many of the world’s largest and most successful companies.
Fulcrium’s dedicated team of specialist benchmarking professionals and strategists are drawn from the world’s largest and most respected companies.
We take a disciplined and prudent approach to benchmarking for transformative performance improvement.
The plan for Fulcrium has always been to meld value-identification services with a tangible asset that would enable us to deliver truly outstanding, rapid performance improvements to our clients.
Our Benchmarking and Market Intelligence database is now that best-in-class unique asset. It puts us head and shoulders above every other benchmarking firm, enabling us to focus on only the highest value opportunity identification benchmarking requests by clients.Raju Patel – Chief Executive, Fulcrium
Over two decades, Fulcrium has built a matchless database of transformation benchmarking and market intelligence from major companies across multiple sectors and in many geographies throughout Europe, the Americas, the Far East, Middle East, Asia Pacific and Africa.
Insights gained from this multi-sector and global coverage are at the heart of our genuinely transformative benchmarking and value-identification services, and are the envy of other benchmarking providers and consultancies.
Over a period of some 6 months, we exceeded our value-realisation targets and the close collaboration with Fulcrium was instrumental in achieving this.
Given the requirement for specific and actionable “custom” benchmarks and market intelligence, I would engage Fulcrium again.Board Director – Supermajor
To engage an exceptional team that will transform your performance, value-identification and value realisation, contact us.
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